(burth-dey) noun
an anniversary of the day of your birth; I can’t believe I’m having another birthday.
Sooner or later it was bound to happen. I would have preferred later. I’ve turned 43.
42 and still no clue has evolved into 43 and feeling _________ I’m not sure how to fill in the blank just
yet but I’m confident it will come to me.
My forty-second year was pretty awesome! I got to travel to South East Asia and visit
Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. I left
my job after ten long years and am giving this “writing thing” a try. I have happily joined the ranks of my fellow flesh
eaters, consuming meat with reckless abandon.
I doubt anybody wants to hear an old man wax
philosophically… but too bad. I’ve
decided to share some of my “rules for living a happy life.” Take what you want and leave the rest. These “rules” are what work for me. Here are 10 good ones.
Stop asking questions that have no answers: There is no easier, or quicker way to drive
yourself crazy. Let the impossible
questions go.
Be gentle with yourself:
You are not as fat or as ugly or as high as you think you are. You will not be high forever. You will come down. Eventually.
Never ask a woman when her baby is due: There is an off chance that she will not
actually be pregnant and you will have single handedly destroyed her confidence
for the rest of her life. Unless there
is a baby coming out of her vagina just don’t ask. Ever.
There is nothing that cannot be fixed with duct tape: This may be a very Canadian belief but it is
nonetheless true.
Intention is everything:
The reason behind what you do is more important than what you actually
Walk a mile in their shoes:
Looking at things from the other person’s perspective will automatically
make you more compassionate. As hard as
it is to believe, you are not always right.
Get a cat: I don’t
think I’ve had a better friend than Chubby Lady.
Volunteer: There is
nothing better I do with my time.
Travel as much and as often as you can: The world is big. Nothing will give you a better perspective
on your life or your “problems” like seeing how other people live. We can be very happy with very little.
Be fearless: Fear
will cripple your life. Do the things
that scare you the most. Jump from a
cliff, sing in public, ask that really hot guy out for coffee; you will only
regret the things you were too afraid to do.
I hope this doesn’t sound too preachy…
43 and feeling _________
Any ideas?
Man, I love you Robbie! love reading all your posts, keep it up!! xo