Hey Steve,
Long time, no chat… How have you been? Still having trouble
You really shouldn’t let that video of Justin Trudeau
stripping bother you so much. Sure, he’s 12 years younger than you and slightly
more toned but I don’t think too many people noticed. Nobody picks a Prime
Minister based solely on looks… Thank God, right?
I agree that the attack ads seemed a little desperate but
what are you supposed to do? We can’t give Canadians the time to actually make
an informed decision. They worked so well with Dion and Ignatieff – how were
you supposed to know that people would see right through them this time? I
mean, Dion was easy because of the language barrier and Ignatieff was easy
because of that face, but Trudeau will be a little harder to demonize. I think
the “not ready to lead” angle is a good way to go as long as nobody actually
looks into it. It’s not like people can just Google your experience when you
were elected party leader and compare it to his, is it? That would be bad…